Cathodic Protection


Cathodic Protection

Design and Corrosion Engineering

ACiD Integrity executes soil corrosivity surveys, site investigations, design and testing of cathodic protection and corrosion monitoring systems, cathodic protection feasibility studies, cost/benefit analysis, and general corrosion consulting for all types of structures.

You can depend on us to provide these cathodic protection services for new designs as well as for the evaluation of existing infrastructure.


At ACiD integrity, we conduct site surveys to identify and evaluate the level of cathodic protection on metallic structures in soil, water or concrete. Our team of expert engineers and technical staff are AMPP certified and qualified to undertake the many different types of surveys available to field test the level of corrosion protection achieved due to the application of cathodic protection. Our efforts result in using the most sophisticated equipment in the industry and our team being trusted by the regulatory bodies for compliance recommendations.

Our project managers, construction supervisors and construction crews can provide turnkey survey and remediation services for your assets!

Cathodic Protection

Engineering Surveys, Inspections and Regulatory Compliance

Supply of Cathodic Protection

For more information on our Cathodic Protection Packages:

We offer a complete package of corrosion control products, including transformer rectifiers, anodes, direct buried cable, test stations, junction boxes, flange insulation kits, casing insulators and end seals, corrosion monitoring probes and coupons, testing instrumentation, pipeline tape, shrink sleeves and more.

Our cathodic protection packages help you stay in control of corrosion and extend the useful life of your assets.